Wow, obviously we've been busy. Here's our past 9 months in a nut shell:
August 2010: We move into our Apartment, my sister Ashley's wedding (8~7~10), Megan Antioho comes to visit, and Victoria is promoted to a Counselor position at The Salvation Army Clitheroe Center.
October 2010: Work, Women's Craft Retreat, Family Birthdays, Work some more.
November 2010: Snow in Alaska, 1st Thanksgiving in Alaska in 5 years, Work.
February 2011: Go to Chicago for Heidi and John Mueller's Wedding, Get accepted into USC's School of Social Work.
April 2011: Midterms, Start going back to Zumba classes, Calvin buys an iPad and a bike, Snow melts in Alaska, AWANA....
No kidding about being busy - You guys have had a lot going on. I love that you are back to blogging even with your busy schedule. Keep it up!